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Обращение с просьбой
Дорогие коллеги, кто пожелает, можете принять участие в голосовании по выбору 100 наиболее агрессивных вселенцев. Письмо от IUCN ISSG прилагается ниже:
Dear Colleagues,
I am currently working on a project that aims at selecting a new species to complete the "100 of the worst invasive species worldwide" IUCN list.
I have had many votes already (>600) from 55 countries, but no one from Russia, when I know there is a live and strong community of invasion biologist in this country.
Do you think you could vote and send the request below to your colleagues in this field? In particular, I have noted that you are organising a congress in 2013 in Borok, and beside the Scientific Committee, there seem to be a large number of scientist that you have access to, through an email list perhaps.

Do you think you could forward the message below to all your colleagues working on invasions of alien species?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Dear colleagues,

we (Piero Genovesi, Dan Simberloff and my group) write to you to ask for your help for an important campaign we are launching with the IUCN ISSG.

You are all aware of the list "100 of the worst invasive species worldwide”, developed by ISSG; the list has indeed been very successful in communicating the impact of invasive species. Recently, this list was reduced to 99 due to the successful eradication of the Rinderpest Virus from the wild. We decided to take this opportunity to launch a campaign to select the NEW 99+1 of the worst, involving all the invasion biology community in this exercise.

The aim of the campaign is mostly in terms of communication, as it can help us all to show examples of impacts caused by invasive species, and to emphasize the need of increasing the efforts to struggle invasions. But the method that we developed could potentially be used more widely in the future to help identifying key invasive species through a participatory approach.

So we are asking your help to select that 100th species through a simplified voting system. The preparatory work has required compiling information about over 10,000 invasive species from many sources, and then to shortlist the number of species on the basis of several criteria, arriving to identify 10 candidates.

What we ask you to do is to go through the website we developed (www.ese.u-psud.fr/epc/conservation/pages/The100th/index.html) and vote by leaving a score for the 10 candidate species. All methods, criteria and steps are clearly explained in the website (for any question or doubt, please contact me at franck.courchamp@u-psud.fr). There is no need to know all the species to vote, you can either rank them all, or vote for one or for a few only (and put ex-aequo for the rest).

All scores will be tallied in the first weeks of February. Once the vote is closed, we will notify you by email about the species that the community has chosen to add to the ISSG list.

All the system has been designed to ensure that the voting will not take much of your time, so PLEASE VOTE!!. The results will indeed help us raise the profile of the issue of invasive species.

Also, please, please, do forward it to all your colleagues working on alien invasive species, be they academic or not.

We thank you very much for your cooperation,


Franck Courchamp
Laboratory of Ecology, Systematics & Evolution
UMR CNRS 8079 – Bat 362
Univ Paris-Sud
91405 ORSAY Cedex, FRANCE

Tel. +33 (0)1 69 15 56 85 - Fax. +33 (0)1 69 15 56 96

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